Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome Baby McKinley! It's a...

Dear Friends,

Maureen and I would like to share one of the most special events in our lives with you. On May 3, 2011, Maureen gave birth to Madeline Rose McKinley. She weighed in at 8lb, 6oz and measured 20.5 inches long.

One of our goals was to have a natural child birth without pain medication. We both did a lot of preparation by going to classes, eating right, and exercising. When maureen went into labor I took on my role as her coach and helped her for all 21 hours. Maureen was so relaxed that she was able to sleep between contractions. Maureen displayed great strength and grace, and we accomplished our goal.

As my daughter was born, it was incredible to watch her physiological needs change. Madeline went from receiving oxygen through her umbilical cord to using her lungs in just seconds. Even though I knew this was going to happen, it was still astonishing for me. IN my work I talk about the development of unborn children all the time with students, but seeing it first-hand with my own daughter through sonograms and birth gave me a deeper appreciation and love for unborn children. It is hard to find the appropriate words to describe such an event. Perhaps the pictures I've included will do a better job!

Madeline has a great temperament, but we could still use prayers for sleep, especially as I will begin summer school soon. Please pray that I can balance caring for Maureen, Madeline, work, and class. Thank you for being a part of our lives and welcoming with is the newest member of Team McKinley!


Matt McKinley