Monday, October 6, 2008

Will graphic visuals drive away men and women from seeking the healing they need from a previous abortion?

I intentionally put men and women in the title since men are often forgotten about, but they feel the pain of abortion too.

But will graphic visuals drive them away? This is a great question, and one that everyone should ask themselves.

First it would be helpful to know what would cause a woman or man to seek healing from an abortion in the first place so we can know if graphic visuals will deter them. 

Healing from abortion(s) will not usually begin until the emotional pain caused by an abortion(s) becomes greater than the perceived benefits of that abortion. Surprisingly, only 1 in 4 women report feelings of regret over their abortion. (1)

Unless there is a dramatic moral and emotional change in the equilibium of these men and women, the pain will not outweigh the perceived benefits, and healing will not begin. Respectfully presented, abortion images have the capability of initiating this needed moral and emotional change. 

Not presenting graphic visuals may be worse.
Without meaningful intervention, both Christian and non-Christian women who have previously experienced abortion are actually more likely to experience a subsequent abortion.  The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) reports that 47% of the nearly 3,300 abortions performed daily in the U.S. are performed on women who have already had at least one previous abortion. (2)
While the images are painful to look at for the men and women who have participated in an abortion(s), the short term trauma is preferable to the long term trauma produced by additional abortions (emotional, spiritual, and the killing of another child) , which statistically is very likely to happen again with both Christian and non-Christian women. 

We must do more to confront one of the greatest injustices our world has ever known. Be a voice for the unborn and please consider supporting those who have dedicated their time to being ambassadors for the unborn. 


(Credits to David Lee, Executive Director of Justice For All, for his help in writing this post)

 “Psychological Responses of Women After First-Trimester Abortion,”  Brenda Major, PhD et al, Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57:777-784. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article Matt!